Wedding Packages/Pricing will depend on the date of your wedding, the hours needed and the services needed

Every wedding is unique and we are excited to get to know you and your wedding details

To receive an accurate quote fill out the form below and we will quote you based on the information you provide

For an example of pricing we listed our most popular Packages/Pricing

If you prefer to call us click on our phone number below

Call us: 1-978-766-5886


Popular Cheetah Pricing

DJ & Photography Combo

7 hours Photography

2 photographers

5 hours DJ/MC Services

Starting at $6,500

DJ Only   

5 hours DJ/MC Services

Starting at $3,000

Photography Only

7 hours Photography

2 photographers

Starting at $6,000

Engagement Sessions

Starting at $600


Starting at $1,000

Add on only with DJ or Photography

Dance Lights


Add on only with DJ or Photography


Starting at $1,000

Add on only with DJ or Photography

Monogram Light


Add on only with DJ or Photography


Cheetah Wedding Form